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Sea Stories

Sea Stories

Tall tales, fish stories, war stories, fairy tales, pure bullshit, true lies, and sea stories…. TomAYto… TomAHto. They are all different facets of the same stone. Whether they are sown from seeds of truth or spun from yarns of fancy, they tell a story, and it is all about the story. It’s entertainment, not history.

They may have a moral, though morals are rare at sea. They can be true, or nothing like true, they are just stories for the telling. They are meant to be a window to another world. For those whose path did not lead down to sea, they are the vessels that transport the listener across the oceans, to exotic ports and strange lands.

I have collected my stories, and published them for your reading pleasure here at: . I will share others here on my blog. Read them, comment, like, share, tweet… join the crew and travel with us. If ever you have dreamed of putting an ocean horizon on your bow and chasing it, then climb aboard.

The first chapter is available for free, read it here Read, comment, buy the book, it is only $4.00!

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