Official Website of Author, Adventurer and Professional Mariner

My Story
Like 17 generations of Babsons before me, I went to sea. For over 25 years I travelled the watery part of the world. Across the Oceans, the length and breadth of the Earth I wandered, in search of adventure. Because adventures are where the stories are born.
My life as a Mariner started in the US Navy, in the twilight years of the great Battleships. From the Navy to the Merchant Marine, I tried to work every ship in the fleet. Freighters, Tankers, Yachts, Ferries, Research and Survey ships, if it floated, I worked it. They all have different stories to tell, and it all about the story.
It’s been ten years since I last shipped out. It's not the first time Ithaca cured a Mariner of wanderlust. Now the travels continue in the stories.